Understanding Pesticide Regulations in Hawaii

Navigating Hawaii's Pesticide Registration Requirements

Registering a pesticide in Hawaii involves several key steps and adhering to specific regulations set by the Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA). Here is an overview of the process and requirements:

Need Assistance?

Navigating the complexities of pesticide product registration can be challenging. Our consultancy specializes in state registrations and can guide you through the entire process, ensuring compliance and smooth market entry. Contact us today for expert assistance with your product registration needs.

Key Steps for Pesticide Registration

Mandatory Registration

Every pesticide distributed, sold, or transported within Montana must be registered with the state's Department of Agriculture. This requirement extends to intrastate commerce and transportation. All pesticide registrations expire on December 31 of the year they are issued, necessitating annual renewals.

Application Submission

Complete Form P-2 for new product licensing, including changes in product name or formulation. This form requires submission of the Confidential Statement of Formula, EPA-stamped approved label, final printed label, and a payment of $930.00 per pesticide product and $330.00 for each non-chemical pest control device​ (Department of Agriculture)​.

For license renewal, HDOA sends renewal notices starting July 1 for licenses expiring on December 31. Renewal involves submitting a pre-printed application form, applicable license fees, and, for microbial products, an annual permit from the Plant Quarantine Branch​ (Department of Agriculture)​​ (Department of Agriculture)​.

Supporting Documents

Electronic submissions of supporting documents are preferred. These should be in PDF format, text-searchable, and unsecured to allow insertion of the licensing stamp​ (Department of Agriculture)​.

Experimental Use Permits (EUP)

For conducting trials to determine pesticide effectiveness and impact, an EUP application must be completed. This includes adhering to specific administrative rules detailed in Sections 4-66-45 through 4-66-51​ (Department of Agriculture)​.

Regulatory Requirements

Restricted Use Pesticides (RUPs)

Only certified applicators or dealers with a RUP permit can handle these products. Dealers selling directly to end users in Hawaii must obtain a RUP dealer permit​ (Department of Agriculture)​.

Certified applicators must report RUP usage, including details such as date, product name, EPA registration number, amount used, and treatment area​ (Department of Agriculture)​.

Certification and Training

HDOA provides certification for applicators and dealer representatives, along with training on proper pesticide use and compliance with Worker Protection Standards​ (Department of Agriculture)​.

Disposal and Safety Programs

The Pesticide Disposal Program and other safety initiatives ensure responsible management of pesticides to mitigate risks to human health and the environment​ (Department of Agriculture)​.

Additional Considerations

Microbial Products:

Products containing microorganisms must be registered with the Plant Quarantine Branch and accompanied by an annual permit​ (Department of Agriculture)​.

Communication and Assistance:

For further information, contact the HDOA’s Pesticides Branch at (808) 973-9402 or visit their website for detailed guidance and forms​ (Department of Agriculture)​.

For personalized assistance with pesticide registration in Hawaii, including navigating regulatory requirements and completing necessary documentation, our consultancy is here to help. Contact us for expert support and ensure your products comply with Hawaii's pesticide regulations.

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