Louisiana Pesticide Product Registration: Requirements, Process, and Compliance Guidelines

Pesticide Product Registration Requirements in Louisiana

Pesticide product registration in Louisiana is regulated by the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry (LDAF). The process requires adherence to both state and federal guidelines to ensure that all pesticides sold within the state are properly registered and compliant with safety standards. Below is an overview of the key requirements and procedures.

Need Assistance?

Navigating the complexities of pesticide product registration can be challenging. Our consultancy specializes in state registrations and can guide you through the entire process, ensuring compliance and smooth market entry. Contact us today for expert assistance with your product registration needs.

EPA Compliance Prior to State Registration

Most pesticides must first be registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under Section 3 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). This ensures the product has been reviewed for safety and efficacy. Once a pesticide is federally registered, it can then be registered in Louisiana.

Louisiana Pesticide Regulatory Compliance

In Louisiana, any pesticide product intended for sale or distribution must be registered with the LDAF. This requirement applies to all types of pesticides, including general-use and restricted-use pesticides, as well as products used in agricultural, industrial, and residential settings.

Required Documentation for Louisiana Registration

Product Label

A PDF copy of the product label must be submitted as part of the registration process. This label should comply with both federal and state labeling requirements.

Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

A PDF copy of the product's Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is also required, except for pharmaceutical products.

Registration Application

The application for registration can be submitted online through the LDAF's LAPlants portal or by mail. Online registration is encouraged as it allows for electronic payment.

Fees and Timeline

Registration Fee

The fee for registering a pesticide product in Louisiana is $400 per product per year. The registration is valid from January 1 to December 31, regardless of the submission date. The fee is non-refundable and is not prorated.

Renewals and Late Fees

Annual renewals must be submitted before the end of the calendar year to avoid disruptions in registration status. Specific guidelines regarding late fees were not found but typically apply if renewals are delayed.


Section 24(c) Registrations

The LDAF may issue Special Local Needs (SLN) registrations under Section 24(c) of FIFRA for specific uses in Louisiana. These registrations are typically used to address local pest issues that are not covered by the federal registration.

Experimental Use Permits (EUP)

The LDAF can issue State Experimental Use Permits for research purposes, allowing the use of unregistered pesticides under controlled conditions.

Compliance and Enforcement

The LDAF's Pesticide Section is responsible for ensuring compliance with these regulations, including investigating violations and enforcing proper labeling, storage, distribution, and application of pesticides in the state.


For more detailed information and to access the registration forms, visit the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry's Pesticide Registration page

How We Can Help

Ensuring your pesticide products meet Louisiana's regulatory requirements is crucial for compliance and market success. Our team of experts is ready to guide you through every step of the registration process, from understanding EPA prerequisites to navigating state-specific regulations. Contact us today for personalized assistance and ensure your products are fully compliant and ready for the Louisiana market.

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