Alabama Pesticide Product Registration: Requirements, Process, and Compliance Guidelines

Pesticide Product Registration Requirements in Alabama

Pesticide product registration in Alabama is managed by the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries (ADAI). The process adheres to both federal and state-specific regulations, ensuring that pesticide products meet safety and efficacy standards before being sold in the state. Below is an overview of the key requirements for registering a pesticide product in Alabama.

Need Assistance?

Navigating the complexities of pesticide product registration can be challenging. Our consultancy specializes in state registrations and can guide you through the entire process, ensuring compliance and smooth market entry. Contact us today for expert assistance with your product registration needs.

EPA Compliance Prior to State Registration

Before a pesticide can be registered in Alabama, it must first be registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under Section 3 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). This federal registration ensures that the product has been reviewed for safety and effectiveness. Once EPA registration is obtained, the product can be submitted for state registration.

Alabama Pesticide Regulatory Compliance

In Alabama, any pesticide product intended for sale must be registered with the ADAI. This requirement applies to general-use pesticides, restricted-use pesticides, and products exempt under FIFRA 25(b), which includes certain minimum-risk pesticides made from natural ingredients.

Required Documentation for Alabama Registration

Application Form

The registration application, which includes detailed information about the product, must be completed. Applications can be submitted electronically, and specific forms are available depending on the type of product being registered (e.g., Section 3 products or 25(b) products).

Product Label 

A copy of the product label must be submitted with the application. Any changes to a registered product's label, especially those involving the product name, ingredients, or company information, will require a new registration.

Registration Deadlines and Fees

Registration Fee

The fee for registering a new pesticide product in Alabama is $600 per product for a two-year period. This fee is not prorated, meaning that the full amount is due regardless of when in the registration cycle the product is submitted.

Late Fees

For registration renewals, a late fee of $150 per product is applied if the renewal is submitted after March 1st, with a penalty of $500 if submitted after April 1st.

Special Considerations


Alabama does not have a specific discontinuation policy. Products must remain registered as long as they are still being sold within the state.

Special Local Needs (SLN) and Experimental Use Permits (EUP)

Alabama allows for the registration of additional uses of federally registered pesticides under SLN, as well as permits for experimental use under specific conditions. These permits require separate applications and compliance with additional guidelines.


For more information on Alabama's pesticide product registration requirements, visit the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries website

How We Can Help

Navigating Alabama's pesticide registration process can be complex, but our consultancy specializes in helping businesses ensure compliance with all state-specific requirements. Contact us today for expert assistance in getting your products registered and market-ready in Alabama.

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