Supplemental Distribution and Private Labeling

How can we help with your regulatory needs?

Supplemental Distribution

Streamlining the Supplemental Distribution Process

Supplemental distribution allows the primary registrant of a pesticide product to authorize another company to distribute the product under the primary EPA registration number, but with the distributor’s own brand name. While this can be a great way to expand market presence, the process involves strict regulatory guidelines that must be followed to avoid penalties or delays.

At USA Pesticide Registration, we assist pesticide companies with:

Private Labeling

Regulatory Expertise for Private-Label Pesticide Products

Private labeling allows companies to sell pesticide products under their own brand name while using a product registered by another manufacturer. This can offer significant market opportunities, but it also comes with its own set of regulatory challenges, particularly with EPA compliance and state registrations.

We assist companies looking to enter the private-label market by offering:

Why Choose USA Pesticide Registration?

Explore our blog for detailed insights on Supplemental Distributor regulations, updates, and compliance tips for your business.