Monthly Pesticide Regulation Update - May 2024

New Regulatory Developments

1. Glufosinate-P Registration Proposal

On May 9, 2024, the EPA proposed the registration of a new herbicide active ingredient, Glufosinate-P, for controlling weeds in various crops including corn, soybean, cotton, and canola. This proposal includes a draft biological evaluation to ensure compliance with the Endangered Species Act (ESA), highlighting potential impacts on non-target species and suggesting mitigation measures to protect endangered and threatened species​ (US EPA)​​.

2. Updates to the Joint Regulatory Plan for Biotechnology

In response to Executive Order 14081, the EPA, FDA, and USDA have developed a comprehensive plan to update and streamline regulations for biotechnology products. This plan, released on May 8, 2024, aims to improve transparency, coordination, and efficiency in regulatory oversight for genetically engineered plants, animals, and microorganisms. Key initiatives include clarifying regulatory oversight and expanding information sharing between agencies​ (US EPA)​.

3. Proposed Cancellation of Acephate Uses

The EPA proposed an interim decision on April 30, 2024, to cancel all but one use of the pesticide acephate due to significant dietary risks from drinking water and other health concerns. The only retained use is for tree injections, as it does not pose risks to drinking water or the environment under specific conditions. This decision follows an updated human health draft risk assessment and drinking water assessment conducted last year​ (US EPA)​.

4. Endangered Species Act Implementation 

The EPA continues to enhance its strategies for protecting endangered species while supporting the agricultural community. Recent steps include developing improved species maps and collaborating with the USDA to integrate conservation practices into pesticide label requirements. These initiatives aim to provide more flexibility and practicality in implementing protective measures for endangered species​ (US EPA)​.

Key Takeaways for Pesticide Manufacturers and Distributors

For more detailed information, visit the official EPA website here and explore the latest regulatory updates and public comment opportunities.

If you have any questions or need assistance with compliance, feel free to contact our consultancy. We are here to help you navigate these regulatory changes effectively.